
Monday, March 28, 2011

10 tips for job interview success

Job search techniques change, the labour market changes and job descriptions change. But what more or less stays the same is the job interview. It's your chance to sell yourself. The first 30 seconds of a job interview are the most important - so if you want to be a cut above the rest you need to be on the ball. Rob Yeung, a business psychologist, maintains that an interview is all about the three Ps. "You need to prepare, you need to practise, and then, on the day, you need to perform."

Here are 10 tips for interview success.

1. First impressions count
Greet your interviewer with a smile and firm handshake. Give eye contact. Try to make small talk during the walk from the reception area to the interview room. Liz Anderson, a human resources manager says, "You have to sell yourself before you can sell anything else and the first 30 seconds are when the interviewer subconsciously makes decisions about whether they like you or not and whether you will fit into the team."

2. Be prepared
Re-read your CV and the job advert just before the interview. Do your research thoroughly: Look at the company web site or obtain literature. You may be asked about the salary you are after so make sure you research that as well.

3. Don't waffle Answer questions properly - even if you need a few moments' silence to collect your thoughts. Anderson advises, "It's better to say you need a minute to think about your answer rather than speak instantly and regret it afterwards."

4. Why should they hire you? Most job adverts will list qualities they're looking for - a team worker, a good communicator - so it's up to you to think of examples of how you can demonstrate these skills. Be ready to talk about your knowledge, experience, abilities and skills. Have at least three strong points about yourself that you can relate to the company and job on offer.

5. Be positive
Your interviewer will be thinking about what it would be like to work with you, so the last thing they'll want to hear is you talking about your boss or current colleagues behind their back. Interviewers like to see someone who enjoys a challenge and is enthusiastic.

6. Remember your body language
It is not what you say, but how you say it. During the interview, do not fold your arms and lean back or look to the floor! Sit upright and try to maintain good eye contact. Use your hands and lean forward when making a point. Many people cannot think and control their body language at the same time, which is why you need to prepare.

7. Expect the unexpected
Your interviewer may try to catch you off guard: A survey by OfficeAngels has revealed that 90 per cent of employers ask 'killer' questions in interviews. It is impossible to plan for every difficult question, such as "How would your colleagues describe you?" but try to appear relaxed and in control. Ask the interviewer to repeat the question if necessary but do not evade it. Hopefully you will not befall the fate of those job candidates at B&Q who were asked to dance to "Blame it on the Boogie"!

8. Develop rapport
Show energy, a sense of humour and smile. Jean Smith, a social anthropologist says: "It's infectious, being positive and enthusiastic." Ask your interviewer questions about themselves and any issues the business is facing.

9. Clarify anything you are unsure of If you are not certain what are meant by a particular question, ask for clarification. At the end, ask the interviewer if there is anything else he or she needs to know about. Do not be afraid to ask when you are likely to hear if you have been successful or not.

10. Remember your manners It is better to choose than to be chosen. Tell the interviewer why you are interested in the company and job opportunity. Ask them for a business card and follow it up by sending a "thank-you" e-mail or letter, saying how much you enjoyed meeting them and how interested you are. Take the opportunity to detail the key advantages you bring.

By following the three Ps - prepare, practise and perform, you can turn yourself into a candidate who would not look out of place on "The Apprentice."

The most important from my personal experience are ;

1. Be honest and sincere and open up your heart. You shall have the vibe either positive and negative with the interviewers, and you can immediately tell whether " You've Got The Job ! " ;
2. Be yourself - because the words and body language will tell ;
3. Pray ! Pray ! Pray !...Incha Allah.

DISCLAIMER: Notice :Opinions, stories , thoughts expressed are blogger's own and do not necessarily represent the views of the institution or the organizations by which the blogger is employed or any specific person who so ever, either dead or alive. Hi! I am a green e-mail! Unlike my brothers and sisters, my presence on the Internet does not harm our environment. Please go to and help make the Internet green like me!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Words that Sabotage Your CV!

Alesia Benedict,

Creating a winning CV is a feat of strategy involving focus, wording, design and content selection. To achieve a career marketing document that wins interviews, all areas of the strategy must be spot-on and consciously used in the most effective manner. One of the most common mistakes job candidates make when writing their CVs is not paying attention to strategy and word selection.
There are actually words that can have a detrimental impact on the effectiveness of the CV. When most job candidates write them, they don't consider word choice because they are primarily worried about getting down the basic information. Wording is critical and the wrong one can sabotage your CV.

The average agent and/or hiring manager sees hundreds of CVs from qualified candidates. CVs begin to look and sound the same to them. Here are some words and phrases to avoid:

Soft-skill descriptions
Job seekers feel they need to communicate their soft-skills to the employer because they believe they are the traits that make them unique, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Soft-skills are so common that recruiters pay no attention to them.

Phrases to avoid or severely limit:
- Excellent communication skills
- Strong work ethic
- Personable presenter
- Detail-oriented
Do not bore the reader to tears with these trite, overused and tired phrases. After all, no one will write that he/she takes long lunches, is lazy and argues a lot with peers. Hence, it is much more effective to write a description that is action-based and demonstrates these abilities rather than just laying claim to them. For example, rather than just stating you are an "excellent presenter," you could say "Developed and presented 50+ multi-media presentations to prospects resulting in 35 new accounts, totalling £300,000 in new revenues."
Age, health, appearance
Many seasoned job seekers are facing that scary time warp known as pre-retirement and fear age discrimination. They feel they can counter this perceived hurdle by giving a description of their age or health. But this can be death to a CV.
Phrases to avoid:
- Youthful
- Athletic
- Fit
- Healthy
- Mature

Additionally, unless specifically requested, there is no need to include personal details such as date of birth, marital status or whether you have children. This information is typically used to exclude candidates from consideration in the hiring process rather than include them. Unless the employer specifically asks, keep this information confidential.
Passive voice
Many people write in the passive voice because that is how we've been taught "formally" in school composition. The problem with the passive voice, however, is that it is just that passive! A CV needs to have punch and sparkle and communicate an active, aggressive candidate. Passive does not accomplish that.
Indicators of the passive voice:
- Responsible for
- Duties included
- Served as
- Actions encompassed
Rather than saying "Responsible for management of three direct reports" change it up to "Managed 3 direct reports." It is a shorter, more direct mode of writing and adds impact to the way the CV reads. On the flip side, whilst action verbs are great, don't overdo it.

I have actually seen:
- Smashed numbers through the roof'
- 'Electrified sales team to produce...'
- 'Pushed close rate by 10 per cent'

Take your time
A CV is a marketing document for your career just as a brochure is a marketing document for a product or service. Companies put careful thought and consideration into each and every word that goes into marketing copy and you should do the same in your CV. These words stand in your place with the employer and need to showcase you in a powerful way. In a perfect world, these things would not matter, but in the reality of job search today, they matter a great deal.  Be wise - stop and give some thought to the words you choose.

Last Updated: 18/03/2011 - 1:12 PM
Career Builder

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

The 33 Strategies of War- Strategy # 2

No. 2- Do Not Fight The Last War

It is called  The Guerrilla -War-Of-The-Mind Strategy

"What often weighs you down and brings you misery is the past, in the form of unnecessary attachments, repetitions of tired formulas and the memory of old victories and defeats.You must consciously wage war against the past and force yourself to react to the present moment. Be ruthless on yourself; do not repeat the same tired methods. Sometimes you must force yourself to strike out in new directions, even if they involve risk. What you may lose in comfort and security , you will gain in surprise, making it harder for your enemies to tell what you will do. Wage guerilla war on your mind, allowing no static lines of defense, no exposed citadels-make everything fluid and mobile".

" The 33 Strategies of War ', pg 15, Robert Greene, Copyright Robert Greene and Joost Elffers,2006
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Secangkir Teh Tarik -Sepang Circuit as A Perfect Place ?

The perfect place for all kinds of events

In my previous entry, I did write what are the kind of activities that will make Malaysia F1 race truly the hottest race in the calendar, an event that will attract millions of people to watch the race. Those are the kind of short term initiatives that SIC could immediately embark to bring back the glorious days of Formula 1 in Malaysia.

In this entry, I will write some of my thoughts and ideas that SIC can embark to make the F1 permanently in the race calendar. Some might have been given thoughts and awaiting the implementations by the authorities.

Here are some of the considerations ;

1. Develop the area(s) around the circuit.

It might be a mistake that Sepang Circuit was built without proper master plan to include the development of the areas. SIC stands on its own with not much development in the surroundings area. May be it is kind of chicken and egg situation [ i.e. built the circuit and surrounding areas would be developed sooner or later ] but after 13th editions of F1 race, nothing concrete is coming out. I have heard the Malaysia Airport Berhad[ MAB] plans to develop the surrounding areas [Aeropolis], but off late not much news in the media about the progress of the initiatives.

My view is that the surrounding area(s) in F1 circuit shall be developed into "F1 Aeropolis or Autopolis" with mix development of residential, commercial, R&D related to F1 or automative industry, training centre or university, hospitality, shopping malls, family entertainment, healthcare and spas and SOHO. Take for example the Mecca area(s) and Yas Marina in Abu Dhabi where development projects are taking shape around the Masjidil Haram [ though I reserve my opinion about it ] and Yas Marina itself. It will be a living and vibrant place throughout the year and not only during F1 or other races only.

With this development taking place, the circuit can have a night race similar to Singapore F1 race. The cost of installing the circuit lights can be possibly shared with the developers as part of their development master plan. I would imagine that I can watch the races organize by SIC from my condominium balcony or even from shopping malls and dining with the whole family. Isn't that cool ?

2. An integrated development

Trust with the initiative no. 1 taking place, the surrounding areas will be connected via an efficient public transport - LRT, ERL, Tramway for easy accessibility to the circuit and surrounding areas, without people having to drive to watch the race. Convenient accessibility from the airport will also make the place a place to be for transit passengers to have "flavour of Malaysia ". It is a double or triple sword strategy, in support of Malaysian government effort to make KLIA as the hub of the Pacific Region or ASEAN region if the latter is too ambitious to achieve. This area shall be well connected with Ipoh, KL City Centre, KL Sentral, Malacca, Iskandar Malaysia and to some extent, Singapore [ of the speed rail project materialized].

3. Unique and integrated development based green technology.

Whether we like it or not, green technology physical infrastructure is the "buzz word" nowadays. Developers are scrambling and trying to promote their project as "green as possible " and unique as possible. When mentioned unique, it is something that not available anywhere else in the world as this will surely attract tourists to visit Malaysia. Like it or not, we are competing with our neighbours Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam to get the share of multi-billion dollar tourism industry, and in order to be able to compete or complement it by having a unique product differentiation and cost leadership, as my view Malaysia shall always be seen as value for money tourists destinations.

4. Long strategic plan for SIC

How can the circuit unique ? What will happen if the circuit no longer organize Formula 1 ? What alternatives do SIC have? We have another 9 years of organizing rights, and this 9 years is too short if we do not have a value propositions or value adding that we can put on the table to F1 organizer. What can we learn from Europe and USA who have been around for so long ?

I guess time is too short for SIC and when I read the article by The Star above, if nothing is being done sooner or later, this will be another "gajah putih" project and we are losing to our neighbors. That is the last thing I want to read and hear in the news !

We have to fast and quick in today's world !

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Friday, March 18, 2011

The 33 Strategies of War-Strategy #1

 1. Declare war on your enemies-The polarity strategy

"Life is endless battle and conflict, and you can't fight effectively unless you can identify your enemies. People are are subtle and evasive, disguising their intentions, pretending to be on your side. You need clarity. Learn to smoke out your enemies, to spot them by the signs and patterns that reveal hostility. Then, once you have them in your sights, inwardly declare war. As the opposite poles of a magnet create motion, your enemies-your opposites-can fill you with purpose and direction. As people who stand in your way, who represent what you loathe, people to react against, they are a source of energy. Do not be naive : with some enemies there can be no compromise, no middle ground.

The 33 strategies of War by Robert Green, pg 3, Copyright Robert Green and Joost Elffers, Viking Penguin, 2006"

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Qatar's Airways 100th Destination Launch

Just trying your luck ? Want to know how lucky and fortunate you are ? Click
Qatar Airways 100th Destination

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Secangkir Teh Tarik -Improving Langkawi's lures

Langkawi Eagle SquareImage via WikipediaImproving Langkawi's lures

" Langkawi ...I will be having my honeymoon in Langkawi "-Amine from Morocco
" It is a beautiful place "-Mehdi from Morocco
" We went to Langkawi and stayed at one of the hotel by the sea. It was a wonderful experiences for me and my wife. "-Mahmoud from Palestine
" I plan to bring my family to Langkawi during next summer holiday"- Ali from Iraq.
" We were in heaven !" -Nourouz & Anca from Romania

Those are examples of the feedback that I have heard personally about Langkawi Island. Amine and Ali have never been to Langkawi, both have heard so much about this 99 Legend Islands from their friends who have visited this magical island. It is a words of mouth mode of marketing.

For one, I like Langkawi too as compared to Bali and Phuket. You may say , " Hello, you are being biased here !". Yes, this pristine Langkawi is overshadowed by others like Phuket, Bali, Redang Island, Perhentian Island but Langkawi has its own persona and so much to offer to its visitors. I have been to Bali, and yet never been to Phuket, but the quietness. calmness. the pristine beaches, calmness, greenery and serenity are the among the reasons why Langkawi is still my number 1 choice.

However, there so much that that the authorities such LADA, Tourism Malaysia, Government to make Langkawi a more vibrant tourist destination and a must island to visit before one's die- vibrant and yet still maintaining is quietness, calmness, the pristine beaches and the green.

1. Langkawi shall have a focus and niche market segment- i.e. premier family friendly tourist destination. This is the market segment that Langkawi shall position itself. So, the marketing strategy and developmental needs in Langkawi shall cater for this niche market;

2. Open sky agreement and to allow more airlines to fly in and out the island - like Phuket and Bali;

3. Have its own commercial centre and strong retail industry -shopping malls that offers unique products for the family, a combination of flee markets, bazaar and medina[ similar in Syria, Morocco and Turkey], modern shopping malls similar to Orchard Roads in Singapore, Taksim in Istanbul, Piccadily in London by bringing the best from all over the world to Langkawi;

4. Sustainable development -any development in the island shall be based on sustainable development and make Langkawi a role model in the sustainable development. Cleanliness of the beaches and the island with a world class waste management ;

5. Education Hub for hospitality management for the region providing opportunity to the locals providing courses offering foreign languages , food and beverage and retailing;

6. Linking the tourist attractions places using tramway similar to the one that is developed in Malacca;

7. Expand the Ocean World to include more activities for the family similar to the one in Orlando Sea World;

8. Variety of tourism products and activities such as Langkawi Jazz, Rainforest Festivals , Mak Yong, Wayang Kulit, Dikir Barat, Boria Festivals, Cirque du Soleil, London Circus, jungle tracking, white water crafting, hot air balloon and acrobatic concert to perform especially during the school holidays ;

10. Street and Open space foodcourt similar to the one in Penang offering affordable foods and beverages both locals and international delicacies ;

11. Summer camps for students all over the world ? How about making Langkawi as centre for leadership excellence for the future generations ? ;

"Bring the world to Langkawi and Langkawi welcome the world ! "

I imagine Langkawi as unique, family friendly island suitable for all ages who are looking to do fun activities together, affordable tourist destination, a memorable and unforgettable experiences for all the visitors.

Yet, will Langkawi lose its characters and persona that I mentioned earlier in this article ? The real challenge is to bring those changes and at the same time maintaining its persona and charms.

DISCLAIMER:Notice :Opinions, stories , thoughts expressed are blogger's own and do not necessarily represent the views of the institution or the organizations by which the blogger is employed or any specific person who so ever, either dead or alive.Hi! I am a green e-mail! Unlike my brothers and sisters, my presence on the Internet does not harm our environment.Please go to and help make the Internet green like me!
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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Secangkir Teh Tarik ! - Sepang International Circuit.. Part 1

When it was first launched and have had its first F1 race, many praised and applauded the "state of the art" and "new generation" of F1 circuit. You could see the smiling faces and the sense of " Proud to be Malaysian" and the spirit of " Malaysia Boleh" were on the air, despite all the odds of facing financial crisis. Malaysia first  hosted  the first F1 race back in March 1999 on the peak of Asia's economic crisis.

Let us examine some of the facts about the circuit in accordance to Wikipedia ;


The circuit was designed by German designer Hermann Tilke, who would subsequently design the new facilities in Shanghai, Bahrain and Turkey.


The main circuit, normally raced in a clockwise direction, is 5.54 kilometres long, and is noted for its sweeping corners and wide straights.[1] The layout is quite unusual, with a very long back straight separated from the pit straight by just one very tight hairpin.

Other configurations of the Sepang circuit can also be used. The north circuit is also raced in a clockwise direction. It is basically the first half of the main circuit. The course turns back towards the pit straight after turn 6 and is 2.71 kilometres long in total.

The south circuit is the other half of the racecourse. The back straight of the main circuit becomes the pit straight when the south circuit is in use, and joins onto turn 8 of the main circuit to form a hairpin turn. Also run clockwise, this circuit is 2.61 km in length.

Sepang International Circuit also features kart racing and motocross facilities.

As the time goes, many countries in Asia follow Malaysia's footsteps and securing the right to organize Formula 1 races, with the latest South Korea GP.The competitions is getting stiffer by the year and with Singapore's unique night race, Malaysia F1 race's glitters as one of the best F1 organizer is fading away, slowly and slowly, even though it is still view as the "hottest race" due to the weather factor [ i.e hot and humid] among the drivers. Comments made by the F1 Supremo Bernie, that the circuit needs upgrading as it looks tired and old than its age [ being around in less than 15 years !] and with stiffer competition, the circuit is no longer " sexy" and "luscious" among the spectators and F1 fans. The F1 fans prefer to go to Singapore F1 GP as it was held in a much cooler weather [in the evening and the only night race], lower set up and maintenance cost [ as it was the on the road] race similar to Monaco, right timing and hours with the Europeans and Americans viewers, "wild parties" and good entertainment, good ambiance before the race with world class singers and many more. All praises and nice words now belong to Singapore F1 instead of Malaysia F1 despite now Malaysia do have representatives in the race i.e Lotus-Renault and Lotus Team Racing !

All bad and negative factors are pointing to the future Malaysia F1 race, and the future look bleak. What shall we do ? Blaming and pointing fingers to others ? Seat and watch we are loosing the right to organize the race ? What are our plans ?

I do recognize and have the trust that the SIC 's management is doing all their best under the leadership of its Chief Executive Officer Datuk Ahmad Razlan Ahmad Razali to bring SIC to greater height and a world class status racing circuit. Malaysia GP

While I do not have detail information about the future plans and the road maps of the circuit and Malaysia F1 race, below are some of the points and considerations how to bring back the circuit and Malaysia F1 race back to its glorious day and F1 fans will have only praises for such an event to remember. My views and recommendations based on short term i.e. immediate and long term [ 3-5 years].

Short Term [ 1-2 years]

1. The audience and F1 fans

The last thing to see in a such prestigious race and event, are all the empty seats. For 2011 's edition, the organizer is targeting 100,000 spectators with 50 % discount is being offered for the early birds F1 fans.

Still, from last year's experiences and knowing the "always last minute typical behavior and mindset of Malaysians  with the hope of more last minute and further " price reductions" ", the big question mark is how to encourage the Malaysians to go and watch the race and fill up the seats ?. After 13th years, we are not F1 yet in terms of mindset and behavior . We are different from our friends in Europe and other developed nations. Still, the fact that we have bigger populations than tiny Singapore who are very much depending on expatriates and outside visitors, and yet still can't fill up the seats ?

Are we familiar with these ?;

1. "Tickets are so expensive. The cheapest will only allow me to sit under hot sun and humid weather"
2. "The circuit is so far away in Sepang ! "
3. "I would rather watch it on TV at home with my family or do something else like shopping "
4. "Crowded and jammed some more tomorrow school session and working day ! "
5. "Do not know where I shall buy the tickets-lah "
6. " I hope they can give me free tickets lho "

1.1. Leveraging on Social Media(s)

From my last check, SIC do have 505 "Followers" in Tweeter and 6,860 "Like" in Facebook. I do not have statistics for other circuits [ which I do not really care though ] , but in my view this is not acceptable level and SIC shall leverage on the social medias to promote the company, ticket sales and the events. I would expect SIC to have at least 1 million followers in both Tweeter and Facebook. Everyone knows and acknowledge the "power" or social medias. The future is with social medias and traditional medias are dying fast ! 
1.2. Distribution channels for ticket sales all over the world

One of the distribution channels that SIC [ Sepang International Circuit ] shall leverage is to work with airlines around the world to sells F1 tickets - Air Asia, Malaysia Airlines through its code share partners and FireFlyz for a start to sell the tickets or package it as part of the holidays package offer especially for Easter holidays around March and April every year. 

Partnership via travel agents and travel website such as GTA travels, Last, Agoda  to creatively package F1 race in Malaysia as part of holiday package in such a way that Malaysia F1 is the must visit event and place to be, and something that they can't miss.

1.3. Inculcate the F1 passion and interest in young Malaysians ;

Lots of effort and focus shall be given more to attract Malaysians to watch the race at the circuit, as it is something that within our controls. The next immediate action is to extent it to our neighboring countries within ASEAN regions. How this can be done ?

1. The race shall be held during school holidays and university break in Malaysia ;
2. Encourage companies or corporate organizations to sponsor students to watch the race at the circuit as part their corporate social responsibilities and allowed them to have double tax deduction and other incentives [ free advertisement and exposure ? ];
3. Carnivals and competitions both at national levels and international related to F1 among the students and universities before the race such as F1 in School programs shall extend the reach to all school children and colleges and higher learning institutions all over the nation and not only for selected few with co-operations with all Formula 1 teams. Location visits, inspirational and motivation workshop from Formula 1 drivers from F1 teams is the least that they can do and a nice gesture on their part . The carnivals and competitions shall end with those participants go to the circuit to watch the race. 
4. Encourage corporates who have operations in ASEAN regions to "sponsor" to those who are interested to watch the race live in Sepang.    
5. Promote Malaysia F1 is a family activities rather than just another glamorous activities and for only selected few; 

Who shall bear the cost as it will be costly event ? My view is to look this as part of "Corporate Social Responsibility" and " Investment" for the future generations.  Invite ordinary Malaysians to be volunteers in the organizations and logistic aspects throughout the programs and not only during the race, schools and universities hostels can be used as boarding and accommodations throughout the programs. Those children and kids are the future generations and leaders of our country, and hopefully it will change the mindset and passionate of Malaysians on innovations, creativity, design, engineering, engine and automative technology, entrepreneurship and many other respects.  

1.4. Family Carnivals and Festivals

I have been to the F1 races twice and I do not see the ambiance of carnivals and festivals excepts souvenirs and merchandise shops selling team merchandise before the race and few stalls which sells expensive foods and drinks, and "beers" in the fan zones. This carnivals might be one of the packages that the organizer could think of to package them and get them watch the race.

For instance, may be to have " Cirque du Soleil or London Circus Troupe " performance in the evening, "Hot Air Balloon" to fly over the circuit on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Karting Festivals and Competitions for the school children, Live Performance in an Open Areas by Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra or on the Circuit itself and many other activities that promote Malaysia F1 as the family events suitable for all ages.

What I am suggesting here, for the organizer to think it differently and dare to introduce something different from the other F1 organizers and out of ordinary- product differentiation might turn out to be a good strategy.

2. Upgrading the Circuit

One of the feedback, the circuit looks old and run down. I tend to agree. However, the company that owns the circuit is still in the red , even though no official financial data to support that.

2.1. Separate Legal Entity

The next best thing is to let the company stands on its own and be responsible for its own income statement and balance sheet. Though, it can still be held by the government as the majority of the shareholders, it can invite other shareholders to be part of the shareholders. For instance, perhaps the circuit can partner with other F1 circuit around the world example The Turkey F1 or Korea F1 or Shanghai F1 circuit and runs by the professionals and perhaps embark of strategic collaborations for cost reductions through sharing of common platforms and exchange of best practices, and improve means for revenue generations .

Once SIC stands on its own, it will be more transparent and the managing of the companies become more effective and efficient.

2.2. Strategic Partnership and Collaborations

Another area is to engage companies through strategic partnership to help SIC to fund the upgrading the running down facilities. In return, SIC can promote this companies by putting the advertising board of the companies on the circuit for exposure. For instance, a "Company A" have the technical expertise and technology to upgrade the painting to give the circuit a refreshing and vibrant look, using environmentally friendly types of paints that can stand for 5 years in the tropical weather. In return, SIC put the company billboards on the circuit and racing tracks as part of the promotion and advertising, and others circuits may appoint this company to upgrade the race track around the world. Not only SIC able to save the maintenance cost, but a winning partnership for the company in terms of exposure in F1 race and other races organize by SIC.  Another example, that SIC may want to hold a night race and with Malaysia is blessed with the sun and hot weather, using this renewable energy to light the circuit at night is another options. TNB can play their roles in developing the technology for SIC. In return, the will be co-sponsored for the race and exposure on the advertisement.

One of the area to give the spectators and F1 fans views of every corners and segment of the circuit during the race. As such, big screens to display those adrenalin rush actions pack are very much needed. Again, companies like Samsung, Panasonic, LG, Toshiba, Sony can play their part with the environmentally products and returns, like the rest of the other points highlighted earlier.

2.3 Greener and Environmentally Circuit

Planting more greens and trees around the circuit may help to keep the ambiance of the circuit, the kind of plants and trees that provide shades to the F1 fans under the hot sun and humid weather. SIC shall be and can be more green and be an exemplary green and sustainable circuit. Landscaping shall be given more focus, garbage collections separating the recycle items and use of renewable energy to operate the critical circuit operations would enhance the circuit image in the eyes of the world.

I shall write more about the long terms plans that SIC shall have to bring back the proud of the SIC and its glory days.

DISCLAIMER: Notice :Opinions, stories , thoughts expressed are blogger's own and do not necessarily represent the views of the institution or the organizations by which the blogger is employed or any specific person who so ever, either dead or alive. Hi! I am a green e-mail! Unlike my brothers and sisters, my presence on the Internet does not harm our environment. Please go to and help make the Internet green like me!