
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Book City in Malaysia, why not ?

" Muhyiddin, in his speech, said Malaysia would take the Paju Book City concept as an example to set up the Kuala Lumpur Book City in the near future.

Earlier in the afternoon, he was briefed on the South Korean education system which uses the Internet at the South Korean Education and Research Information Service and Hanam Information Industry High School."

Source: BookCity

I had the opportunity visiting Doha 21st International Book Fair last two days, and the idea of having Kuala Lumpur's own Book City shall be expedited if not accelerated by the Malaysian government. Immediately googled the book city concept in Paju and below are some of the extracts from the website ;

City to Recover the Lost Humanity

Bookcity is located in the Paju area, viewed as the "land of promise". Located just 30 kilometers from Seoul, it is a publishing cultural community conveniently located near the Jayu highway. From the beginning, the

Bookcity project was planned and established as an industrial city related specifically to books. It is intended as a place devoted to planning, producing and distributing books by well-intentioned publishers. 

Frequently asked questions while initiating the Bookcity project was why and for what purpose the city was being planned and built? Our answer is simple and clear: the city aims to recover the lost humanity. As such,

Bookcity must be a space built for human being.

Cities and its architecture are often called "mirrors of the era". This may refer to how cities and buildings reflect the lives of mankind, especially that of urban life in its edgiest form. It is a direct reflection of our distorted lives: a mixture of chaotic urban planning, unbalanced infrastructure, unsightly buildings, and confusing signs. It is apparent not only in Seoul but in any city.

I see a lot of potential and positive spill over effect politically, economically and socially of having the Malaysia's own book city, as this is align with Malaysia's effort to position herself as the tertiary education hub in the region. I have observed great books written by the Middle East authors during my recent visit to the book fair and exhibition, and you can find some of them here in this website  Books and many more, and unfortunately those still in Arabic, and opportunities to be translated into language of the worlds. I have once read a translated book of  "La Tahzan" [ Don't be Sad] by great Arab writer, Aa'id Abdullah Al-Qarnee and my conclusion is that the author's message do not reach me as much as it is in the Arabic's version. From this one example [ just one ?] and I believe many more of similar cases the opportunity is vast for translation industry i.e to translate great books and literature into languages of the world, and the spill over is also great.

Book city- from books into movies, theater and creative industry. This yet another industry [ as one of the key areas in Economic Transformation Programs [ETP] which can be supported through the establishment of Book City in Malaysia. With all the great literature being produced in this Book City, this will will surely spur the creative industry further.

Book City will surely result in qualities books produced at a lower cost and this will be accessible to all Malaysians, and not only Malaysians but people from all over the world, especially developing countries. 

Producing great writers from Malaysia will be facilitated with the establishment of Book City. With all the scheme and long term programs and promoting those writers to all over the world will make the Book City a centre of excellence. 

Book City in Malaysia ? Why not...

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