
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sahabat Selamanya....Friends Forever


This music video and the song caught my attention instantly, as I view it not merely just another music but a quality product that was produced with a far sighted and strategic view -politically, economically and socially. 

Well, I am not a politician or social activist but just an ordinary Joe on the street who see a great potential if both Malaysians and Indonesians be able to put aside the differences , and focus more on similarities for the benefit of the people- Malaysians and Indonesians. It requires a strong will by all every single individuals from both countries. I must admit, it is a gigantic tasks ahead and it must start from the very beginning, at young ages.

Perhaps, a more frequent, sustainable and value adding exchange programs between students starting from primary schools both in Malaysia and Indonesia [ both in rural and urban areas] would be a great first step, in my view. With intra-regions traveling between both countries are so much affordable lead by Air Asia my view no reason for this not to happen, and ordinary Malaysians like me shall welcome the idea :)

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