
Friday, November 12, 2010

Proton Inspira Saga Gaga !

Proton Persona SE launched at Cineleisure Muti...Image via WikipediaAnother saga gaga about Proton's decision to produce Inspira which many see it as a mere "rebadging" exercise. Many here refers not only ordinary men on the street like you and me, but it gets the attention of the law makers. The latter label Proton as a disgrace to the nation and Proton's decision, is full of shame.

What is my take and say on this ?

Proton has been in existence for almost 25 years ! If I compare it with having my own child, I have a grown up young adult who is 25 years old. I ask myself, what 25 years old can do, say in a corporate environment ? From my professional experience, they have just graduated and fresh from university. Fortunately or unfortunately, Proton I consider and equal it with 25 years old fresh graduate. How about this 25 years old as compared to its peers who are much older, wiser and have been in the industry for such a long time, who have all the know-how knowledge, experiences, networks, financial muscle to acquire the smaller players. Even, some did not make it through in today's world and environment such as Opel, Jaguar, Scoda and even Volvo. What it takes Proton so long to learn and become good as compared to its peer like Kia and Hyundai ? Again, in reality some graduates excel faster than its peers, and the same in the case of Proton. Unfortunately and fortunately, due to many many reasons that are only known to the previous management and care taker of Proton. I am not going to speculate on the latter, as for I do not know the inside and Proton's internal matters and I prefer to move forward. At least we shall be proud of Proton for having to produce Waja, Exora and Persona.

Trust, the Proton's existing management knows very well what they are doing, when they decided to produce and sell Inspira from Mitsubishi Lancer model and I believe they learned the lessons, costly , expensive yet essential and critical to move Proton forward. I guess, the route that Proton is taking is the most economically feasible way taking into considerations the current market and global economic situations. As I mentioned, Proton is still 25 years old and I believe, still not financially strong with not much of financial muscles after being in the " RED" for quite some years. In addition, Proton's brand is not well known globally but its brand is going strong in certain market segments. As such, there are potentials and rooms from Proton to improve over time, and eventually become a real competitor in the industry.

Still, for now Proton still need to be profitable and generates enough cash and fund for its future expansion, and continue to make money. In view that it is a national project, it needs to survive. With its transformation plans including its subsidiaries Lotus, somehow I have the trust to the management to bring Proton to a greater heights and to be playing on the same level with its peers. I know some of you might be saying, I am too naive for simply looking at the positive aspects of things, but isn't that what Proton needs from all Malaysians ? If not, then I should be sitting in Proton's Board of Directors, as one of its members. If those who make noises are so damn good, why not become part of the team ? To the lawmakers, do not forget that you are part of the decisions that make who Proton is now ? At the same time , to Proton's management the people want you to run, and I am sure you up to the challenge by responding " how fast and far " Proton shall run.Slowly, I am sure Proton is making a come back and the question remains, how long this time around for Proton's to be wiser and a real competitor to the industry and to avoid pitfalls of being acquired by other giants like the other established players ? Do us, Malaysians want to see it happens to our Proton as well ? Me, NO....

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for the link-back to my blog. I really hope to share your promise of a better Proton but unfortunately I can't. As they say, to each its own eh?

    As for your statement "If those who make noises are so damn good, why not become part of the team ?".

    I would love it if they give me that opportunity, love it! ;)
