
Friday, July 1, 2011

SOS Children- Newsletter

SANTO, HAITI - FEBRUARY 18:  Children sing in ...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeBe part of Chipata!

We are building a new Children's Village in Chipata, eastern Zambia, where chronic poverty and disease have left thousands of children completely alone without  parental  care.  The new Village will provide a safe home for vulnerable  children,  as  well as a school and medical centre for the community. Learn how you can help give children a family for life by being part of Chipata. Read more and watch the video
SOS Chipata

It's never too late to learn: Empowering women in Guatemala

Many women from Mayan communities in Guatemala are excluded from the educational system and isolated from public life. Since 2005, SOS Children has been running a literacy programme in the city of Sololá, to help women learn new skills and gain confidence. Read how we helped Isabel (pictured) learn to read and write at the age of 51!
Guatemala Women

New edition of Family Matters

Have you read the latest edition of the SOS magazine? With a focus on our medical facilities across the world, it explores the variety of services we provide, including direct treatments, immunisation programmes, healthcare
education and psychological support. Learn how we are helping children and families to stay healthy thanks to your support. Read More
New Edition

"We have hope because SOS Children is here"

SOS has just opened a Children’s Village in Kayonza in Rwanda, a region where HIV/AIDS has left many child-headed households struggling to survive. The country's fourth Children’s Village will provide a new family for 120 vulnerable children. A lively ceremony marked the opening of the Village, with colourful performances from the excited new residents. Read More
SOS Rwanda

A speedy way of improving literacy skills in Indonesia

On the Indonesian island of Flores, many families are too poor to afford books and most public libraries are under stocked. To help with the problem, SOS has built mobile libraries onto the back of two motorcycles, each holding around 700 books. Three times a week, the 'book bikes' travel to deprived areas, giving hundreds of children the opportunity to access free resources and improve their literacy skills.Read More
SOS Indonesia

DJ Nihal runs the British 10K for SOS

On the 10th July, 30 fantastic SOS supporters including Radio One DJ Nihal and the Mayor of London's Director of Environment and Digital London, Kulver Ranger, will take on the British 10K in central London to raise money for our work. The duo are training hard in preparation for the big day, but are finding  the  demanding fitness regime harder than they first thought! Read more
< href=""> Fund Raising

Reaching out to informal workers in Kenya

Nearly one in three Kenyans work in the unreliable and poorly paid informal sector. The SOS Vocational Training Centre in Nairobi runs flexible courses to help informal workers improve their skills in areas such as mechanics and textiles. Workshops on entrepreneurial skills and book keeping support them to make their businesses as profitable as possible. Read more
SOS Kenya

Be inspired by the latest Fundraising Matters newsletter

The  new edition of _Fundraising Matters_ is now ready to download! Read about some of our most enthusiastic and imaginative supporters, including residents of a village in Hertfordshire who joined together to support our new projects in Zambia, and students from the London School of Economics who
braved a sponsored sky dive to raise awareness for our work. Read more
Fund Raising

And finally...keep your eye on Moments Make Families day July 11th

Every parent and child experience moments that make them a family. From everyday  activities  such  as  having dinner together and celebrating birthdays, these moments bind families together. Yet there are millions of
children across the world who never have these experiences. On July 11th, we will highlight the right all children have to family moments to remember.

Note : I do not own the newsletter, all belong to SOS Org
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