
Sunday, October 23, 2011

UPOD- Under Promised Over Delivered

To grump or not to grump, here in paradise

I think I can relate to myself as to why we do not get out story out. For one, I would rather let the results speak itself out, like do not blow my own trumpet kind of thing. Often, when people ask me about my country, Malaysia I do not tell them beyond what I know and exaggerate till putting people's expectation above the sky. I will tell good stories of my country and also some of the not so nice stories, and make them curious to visit my country and let them see, hear, touch and feel themselves. In other word, let them experiences it by themselves.

I still remember I told one of my best friend about how sardine-packed like the train in Malaysia during rush hour, before his first visit to Malaysia. So, he has a picture how "sardine-packed" like ! So, when he was in Malaysia during the rush hour morning taking train with me, he told me " Eone, the 'sardine-packed' you mentioned to me earlier was not like what I imagined !

Another scenario was when we were in transit in Dubai. He told me " This airport would be better if there is train that connects the terminals". Again, I did not tell him that we have one back in Kuala Lumpur International Airport. What I pictured them about KLIA is just an ordinary airport and when he was at the airport, he experienced taking the train and he told me " The airport is spacious !" and when we were in Istanbul airport recently, he told me " This airport remind me of KLIA ".

To be frank, I do not like when my fellow countrymen talked so much about my country, we have this we have that , we are like this, we are like that and one thing I have learned recently is to always " Under Promise Over Deliver !" rather than " Over Promise Under Deliver".

and I love my country, Malaysia like everyone does with their own country.

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