
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Japanese students go jungle-trekking

Japanese students go jungle-trekking

As part of my request of Budget 2011 [ my wish # 1 ] in my previous entry in this blog, I would love to see this program to be extended to all schools in Malaysia, be it rural and urban schools. This will allow our young generations to experience different cultures, appreciate and celebrate the differences. Imagine if these kids do have friends from all over the world at such young age, and develop the friendship, understanding and appreciate the differences, this would work wonders for Malaysia over long run. These kids are the future leaders, future businessmen, future professors and leadership qualities have to be nurtured at the very young age, let us welcome the world to Malaysia, Truly Asia.

Understand that the program is yearly affair for the Kota Damansara school, but my wish and hope it will be spreading and emulated by others, and Kota Damansara School can take the challenge to take the lead , can they ??

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