
Monday, October 18, 2010

Warisan Merdeka Project - My Take ?

Stadium Merdeka Kuala Lumpur February 2007Image via Wikipedia
The project, said to cost RM 5 billion will be led by Permodalan Nasional Berhad and to be completed by 2015. It depends on how one view of the project as it is very much depending on which flip sides of the coin that one is looking at. It also depends whether one sees the glass "half full" ? or "half empty" ? However, should the project is to go on, the following factors shall be considered to ensure the project will benefits the country, and more importantly the "rakyat". 
1. Project Cost

The project is estimated to cost RM 5 billion. However, I would challenge PNB to bring the cost down and having substantial cost saving by doing "things right" and "doing the rights things" to RM 3.5 billion or less, but still meeting its intended objective(s) from both technical and commercial points of view. How can they achieve ? I do not have the answer, but I leave it to the experts :). The savings, can be channeled back to the people via. long term and value adding corporate social responsibilities, especially on the education areas and allowing the people to have access to quality educations, if they wish.

2. Greenest Building in the world !

If you read the newspaper, people are concerned the impact the project has on the environment. To answer that, I concur with Dr. Tan Loke Mun that it shall be the greenest project in the world. Can PNB meet the expectations and the aspirations ? The bottom line, it does not damage the environment, but contribute and  gives back to the environment. Possible ? Why not ? Think about the total cost of ownership and sustainability of the building, especially in terms of maintenance philosophy etc. All it takes to become " green"

3. It worsen the traffic situation.

It has to be " green " concept for the building and surroundings. The best is to have the proposed MRT line to pass through the Warisan Merdeka , and connect with other places nearby through shaded areas. It shall only allow " environmental friendly" mode of transportation such as battery operated kart, electric vehicles, bicycles in the whole Warisan Merdeka area. Provide all the facilities to make it people eccentric and disable friendly. So, calling all Malaysians for us not to complain and fret if you are not allowed to park your car in the areas and you have to walk to access the area with all the facilities. Do not expect us to be allowed to park the car right in front of the shopping mall entrance.

4. Development concept ?

Balance between the Earth, Water, Fire or the so called elements of earth. What will the development concept entails and how to make the Stadium Merdeka and Stadium Negara not only national heritage but a "functional" national heritage ? Will it be all offices ? Will it be all " high end condominium " ? Will it be a mixture of both ? Will it be for the rich and famous only ? How about the medium income people ? Will the a unit of condominium will cost fortune ? Will a unit of an office will cost heaven and earth ?
Why not medium apartment ? so that I can afford too. My personal view, with one condition that few Malaysians are ready to change the mindset . I live in a medium cost apartment in Damansara area. By virtue of its name i.e medium cost apartment, the price was affordable for me then. Unfortunately, the mentality and mindset of certain people are much left to be desired. Few did not pay the sinking funds and maintenance fees, few simply dry their clothes in the common areas with all those unwanted materials hanging out in the common areas, few simply do not know how to use the common area public toilet, few hang out and dry their clothes at the balcony. Rubbish and garbage are everywhere simply thinking the management will " take care of those ? " Do we see it at the high end or residence services apartment or high end condominiums ? I have seen to many " tidak apa " attitude and the ugly side of Malaysians on this. So, will you blame if the municipality approves for high end condominium projects only ? I know it is very lame excuses and tiny mickey mini reason, but why not look around and I guess you will agree with me on this.

5. Who will be the anchor tenant ?

Who will be the anchor tenant for each of the components of the building and its surrounding areas ? This is very critical to avoid this project to become another "white elephant" -something that Malaysians have been having the perception and experience for too long. If  the anchor tenant big enough to occupy all the floors and spaces, surely the smaller ones will follow.

6. Tourism product?

While it is justified and valid reason, the next question what type of products that Warisan Merdeka have to offer the potential tourists, both domestic and international tourists. Tourists would love to see something different from the rest of the world, and not another Burj Khalifa or Dubai ? not another Tower A or London ? and not another Tower B or Paris and not another Tower C or New York. They would love to experience something truly Malaysia and truly Asians - a unique identity of Malaysia. If you ask me, I would love to see Warisan Merdeka and its surrounding to have the following ;
1. Unique and functional design of the building- match with the " green concept" and it gives a unique identity of Malaysia, Truly Asia.
2.  Education through innovation , technology and interaction - The surrounding and facilities educates me and provide me information about the unique identity of Malaysia- from pre-history until what Malaysia is today. I would love to have experience to be back in those days during Sultanate Malacca era,  Hang Tuah stories, famous Sultan Mansur Shah and his famous Puteri Hang Li Poh, those days before Kuala Lumpur become what it is today and etc. How this is made possible ? Leverage on the technology and creative industry to make it happens, to give the visitors an idea of " Who is Malaysia " or " Track of Malaysia". This will provide the younger generations learn history through education and interactive ways. We do not need another static or wax of our heroes. It is like "a live and interactive museum " and will be the first of its kind in the world. The history was told in different and unique way.
3. There is a park and another botanical garden in the surroundings -for people to walk, jog, refresh with families, picnics during the weekend. This concept again, to provide education and information to the public about various plants that was brought around the world and interesting to have those plants mentioned in the  Al-Qur'an, Injil or other religions. For instance, there must be reasons why Allah mentions Zaitun [ Olive], At-teen [ Fig] and etc in the Al-Qur'an. This will encourage researches among the universities and ohter institution, and collaborate with all botanical gardens in the world. In the park, there is Rabbits, Peacock, Birds wondering around in an area like "oasis" that will give the visitors peace in mind and in a world of its own. There will be a library about all the references, periodicals, journals about the plant in the botanical gardens.
4. Shopping Experiences - I do not want to have another KLCC or Pavilion. We have too many of that and I think it is enough.  I would love to see shopping experiences, the Malaysian way like Jonker's Walk in Malacca, Pasar Pagi or Pasar Malam or Pasar Rakyat -with fresh concept, look and identity. Perhaps, selling from something unique about Malaysia, made in Malaysia products, international brands, international restaurants serving food selections from all over the world. This will give the rakyat to be part of Warisan Merdeka. However, it has to be at certain standards of cleanliness and hygiene.     
5. Kid's World- Perhaps we shall have smaller scale of Legoland, Kid'zania and similar edutainment park specially catered for the kids. 6. Art Gallery and place for Malaysians to present their original works especially paintings [ similar to Central Market] and other handcrafts. There are cafes and restaurant that shall encourage indie musicians to promote their masterpiece and promote to the visitors, what they call an art that do not contradict with Malaysia cultures and value. 7. Hotels and accommodation with combination and mixture of 3 stars and above - still provide the rakyat to enjoy and benefit from Warisan Merdeka.

7. Heritage

Maintain the heritage building not only the Stadium Merdeka or Stadium Negara, but also Victoria Institution and other pre-war or buildings which were built during colonial era. Preserve those buildings and not to demolish it.

Can we have all these for RM 5 billion ? The cost of the building is RM 3.5 billion and the balance RM 1.5 billion for the " Track of Malaysia Project " Do we have enough spaces for the above ? I think yes. Not only utilize the surface, but the underground also, like the one in KLCC, Singapore and Malacca, where all the places are interconnect and interlink with each other.It is like a " spider web".

That is my take, and should they decide to proceed, I would love to see majority or if not all of the above .  I do not expect less, but I appreciate more
Source : The Star
THE Warisan Merdeka landmark, a RM5bil project located within the enclave of Merdeka Stadium and Stadium Negara, will change the city skyline.
Construction of the 100-storey skyscraper, which is part of the mega project, will start next year and is expected to be completed in 2015.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the two stadiums would be retained as national heritage buildings.
Real Estate and Housing Developers Association Malaysia said the plan to create the iconic feature must take into consideration demand for space.
“We recommend that the Government conduct feasibility and market studies in consultation with the private sector before embarking on this ambitious project,” its deputy president Datuk F.D. Iskandar Tan Sri Mohamed Mansor said in a press statement.
Architect Dr Tan Loke Mun said the building must be constructed with sustainability in mind.
“If we are going to give Malaysia the tallest building, we may as well make it the greenest building in the world. Additionally, local talents should be considered for job opportunities that will arise,” Dr Tan said.
Human resources manager Julian Sanjivan, 28, asked whether the project was aimed at competing with the Burj Khalifa in Dubai or to boost tourism and the construction industry.
“If they want to create more jobs, then we should welcome it. However, if it is just for the name, perhaps the money will be best used elsewhere,” he said.
Businessman Lo Yew Wai felt there wasn’t a need for such a development here. He said there were many buildings left vacant after construction, adding that the status of having the tallest building in the country was not a good enough reason because it would be a waste of space and money.
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