
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Leadership ; Giving credits back to the people

Leadership is not about stealing other people's idea and creativity, and claim them to be yours, is the worst and an unethical thing - both personal and professional life. It is about giving credits to its original owner, and even, the original owner can't claim the idea originally him as the idea was developed over a period of time and he/she learns from others. 

I have one story that I can relate with regards of the above, based on true story.

One of the Ahmed [ not real name] personal objectives this year, is to develop training materials and conduct knowledge sharing with the other staff. Out of his own initiative and idea, Ahmed developed not only training materials, but he came out with training schedules [the training schedule goes beyond 2010 i.e. until the end of 2011] complete with proposed topics together with the presenters to his superior. Ahmed requested his supervisor to get endorsement from department manager before Ahmed can proceed with the necessary.  What Ahmed have in mind, that this will encourage the spirit of knowledge sharing among the staff, and as part of knowledge management system.

During the weekly meeting status update, Ahmed's superior announced to all the staff, that HE [ Ahmed's superior] was in discussion with the department manager about HIS proposal of having training calendar for all department staff , and the proposed training will be conducted by department staff. Ahmed's name was not even mentioned during the meeting at all, and the supervisor behaved as if the whole thing originated from him, and it was him behinds the idea. Ahmed was shocked. However, not to embarrass his supervisor in front of other staff. Ahmed decided to keep quite and not to make it a big issue. 

Question(s) here ;

1. Why Ahmed decided to be quiet on the issue ?  Was it the right strategy for him ?
2. Shall Ahmed make it a big issue for what his superior just did to him ?3. What would be the best and ideal situation for Ahmed to tell his colleagues, that it was solely his idea ?

4. What do you think other considerations that Ahmed have taken when he decided to be quiet during the meeting ?
5. What is supposed to be the strategy for Ahmed in his situation ?

6. Do you think that Ahmed' s superior realize that he is taking credit out from Ahmed, therefore putting his reputation at stake ?  Do you think he is taking credit from Ahmed in the first place ?

 Anyone care to share his/her view, please ?

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