
Friday, December 24, 2010

Part2:My Vu - Do I Believe in Performance Management System?

SAP BusinessObjects Sustainability Performance...Image by Tom Raftery via FlickrThose who have read Part 1 of my entry might conclude that I am such a loser, sulker and sour graper bunch of persons for blaming others for what I believe the cause for "unfairness" in the performance management system. Let me be clear,on contrary that I am not and my professional records can attest to my claim. 

Let me reiterate my intention of writing this entry on the subject is to highlight how could one have a better executed performance management system [ which I have faith in it, I have conviction and implemented what I believe] so it will not merely good on concept papers as my passion is to see human capital development and creating a superior performance organization as part of the competitive advantage.

From my professional experience, in the end of the appraisal period people believe that he [ he and she will be used interchangeably throughout ] is a performer. None of any rational person will claim that he is non-performer, even though throughout the year the "formed perception" by management through daily works that the person do not perform as expected. But this perception and opinion, will only be communicated throughout only during  mid-year and year end performance review. This is the core issue about performance management, that the essence, components and objectives of the system are not adequately communicated to the staff on timely manner. This is my second point that I am going to write i.e.

2. The essence and truth of performance management is only HALF TOLD, if ever ;

From my professional experiences, lack of understanding of the noble objectives of the system, is the core issue that lead to people to believe that they are the "victims" of the system, resulting people not believing the system and worst, the management. Often, the staff was told that the " following are your objectives and performance target ", discussion was held and agreement reached. The staff and management often simply to ignorance to communicate, that in the end of the day it is not all about hard performance target, but how he achieves the target. The performance management system is all about WHOLESOMENESS of an individual especially in the performance management system where RANKINGS system plays a critical roles to determine the FINAL RATINGS of the staff.

More often than not, this is not discussed with the staff and if ever discuss will be half told. So, it boils down to the person's self disciplines, attitude, behavior, persona, relationship building, cultural sensitivities, communication skills, planning skills -and this skills shall be clearly demonstrated in achieving the performance target. Sadly, this part was either totally ignored or minimally address during the discussion.  

When one talk about wholesomeness, often people will say it is all about how close your relationship with your boss. How good you sell yourself to your boss and the manager, and as a manager how well you know your staff i.e. the in and the out of the staff performance during the year. There are truths in it, but the manager has to play balancing act and be rational and objectives about the system to avoid create "perception" among the staff that favoritism is wildly practices, which will send the message the death of the performance management system. In the end, the appraisers have to act professional, independent, objective and be seen as professional, independent and objective.

In my view, WHOLESOMENESS shall be measured in the following orders ;

1. Hard target- how well and good the staff achieve the target ;

2. How well the staff demonstrated the competencies to achieve the targets;
3. How well the staff demonstrated the leadership skills ;

and not the other way round, and this have to be clearly communicated and agreed with the staff including the training plan to address any gaps identified to help the staff to achieve all the components of the wholesomeness of the staff and any indications of non performance have to be addressed not be ignored in timely manner. Wholesomeness concept have to be fully told, and not half way done.

What say you ? Do you agree with the concept of wholesomeness of an individual ?

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