
Sunday, December 19, 2010

MyVu -Simple things Matters

RubbishImage via WikipediaIt was a public holiday here but the office works were calling me to finish them off, because I am anticipating  a busy week ahead of me, as I am a worker cum delegate for my boss while he is away from office, for a week. Normally, weekend is the time when I spent most of my time inside my cosy little apartment, where I fine solace and peace and the best place to pamper myself. You can call me homie type or whatever, but there is no place like home.

The lady cleaner who is supposed to clean my unit could not make it today, saying that she is busy the whole week with other engagement. Not clear whether she is now taking more jobs and could not cope, but today her situation was a real blessed for myself. Why did I say so ? I ended up cleaning up my apartment. It has been a while since the last time I did what I did today. Cleaning up the kitchen, the dining table and the bathroom were real challenging. Not to mention, ironing activities are still not being done yet, but here I am blogging. While doing those cleaning jobs, I realized that it is indeed not  an easy task. Scrubbing the stains, throwing away the rubbish and garbage, cleaning the sinks and dishes. The good thing, it was a physical exercise for me and was sweating like hell. All this while I paid $ 10 per hour to her, and she normally took around 3 hours to complete the cleaning activities which I pay $ 30 including the taxi fares.

From today's experience, it gives me a sense of more understanding that simple stuff like cleaning is not simple for me. These cleaners work hard to ensure the place are clean from all the garbage and rubbish, come what it may , shine or rain they work hard to ensure that. Unfortunately, some people which I call "litter bugs" do always think that the rubbish are there to keep those cleaners working and have jobs. It is like those cleaners owe those litter bugs their earnings. Look around us what a clean place would have become once the festivals or celebrations ends. It is a real mess, right ? Everywhere in the world, no exception. Rubbish are thrown everywhere and anywhere by the litter bugs. Imagine, the cost of doing this cleaning the streets and festivals areas that municipality would have saved if all the rubbish are collected at dedicated garbage collections. Instead of hiring 100 cleaners, perhaps only 1/10 is required. Ironically, while the municipality and city council have to work round the clock incurring additional and unnecessary cost,  those litter bugs are having the slumber dreams and deep sleep after the celebrations, organized by the city council for them with tax payer money, including litter bugs' tax money as well when the money spent on cleaning activities can be used for other value adding purposes. 

Having said that, charity begins at home and parents shall show the children examples that it is the children and every responsible citizens to keep the city clean after the celebrations,and throw away the rubbish in its proper place. If not, they have to keep the rubbish till they reach home or until the proper dustbins are found on the way home. If all responsible citizens have this kind of mindset and demonstrate the correct behavior towards the environment and respect others [ cleaners], the problem of a ugly sight of rubbish and dirty places after celebrations shall not occur. An exercise like what I did today, once in a while will make them appreciate how hard it is to become cleaners. How difficult it can be ? Isn't that simple and simple and little things matter? or perhaps cleaning dirty street shall be part of community services for those litter bugs?

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