
Friday, January 14, 2011

My Vu: Post Malaysia Bank in the pipeline ?

Pos to offer selected Maybank services

It barely more than 2 months [ I think] when I first read POS Malaysia signed an agreement with RHB Bank and now yet with another bank i.e. Maybank. Will this another initiative by the POS Malaysia management as part to increase and diversify its revenue and eventually, profitability as the demand for conventional mailings and stamps is forecast to be in declining trend due to social media presence and dominance ?

How do I see this ? Is POS Malaysia acquiring all the skills and experiences both technical and functional to eventually operate a bank on their own ? If I were to look the types of products and services that are currently offered by POS Malaysia will they have their own banks similar to ;

1. Postal Bank Philippines
2. Deutsche Postbank
3. Tanzana Postal Bank
4. Japan Post Bank

I do not have the answer myself, and not predicting anything . One thing for sure POS Malaysia the boasts for its largest number branches, offices all over Malaysia and a brand that is so close to the heart of all Malaysians.

Read more the following article to understand more ;

Japan Post
Proposal of UK Post Bank

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