
Friday, January 14, 2011

Volunteering with AFID: First step- Done !

I did mention in my earlier post, that I need to make the first step in order to materialize my plan, of which I did immediately after posting my thoughts for the day and weekend. I received email reply, and here it is ;

Hi Irwan

Thank you for your interest, its great to hear you are considering sharing your much needed skills and experience. You will find lots of information about our programme on our website including FAQs, blogs, interviews, assignment costs and the details of our partners work. There is also a number of recent news items on our Facebook page. If its something of interest I would recommend reading through the website and if its still of interest that we schedule a call to discuss the programme and your interest in more detail. Im sure you have lots of questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Even though I have done that reading, but I guess I should have browsed and explored every pages of the website, which I will do ..

Wish me luck !

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