
Friday, September 24, 2010

ETP: Transparency a prerequisite

Trajan's Column - Roman Soldiers Building a Fo...Image via WikipediaETP: Transparency a prerequisite

I do agree with the columnist, the once confident and trust that the rakyats have had before need to be restored, and it is a tall order. The rakyats have had enough of empty promises, talks are cheap and time for result. The rakyats are demanding more and not enough with the promises to deliver the project by Q2, 2012 and etc. The rakyats want a date !

" Project A shall be delivered and ready as per the specifications within budget on 31st August 2012 " - can the trusted parties promise this ?

Below are some of the success factors, in my view that contributes to the success of ETP on top of what have been written in the newspaper.

1. Keep and honour the promises- "Rakyat First, Performance Now". Keep political differences aside for a while for the sake of the nations and our beloved country, Malaysia. Accept constructive feedbacks as opportunities to get better. If the promises are kept and honoured, the rakyats know what to do. Need not to worry.

2. PERMUDAH -reduce red tapes and all agencies that involve throughout the value chain shall have the same mission, to make the ETP a success.

3. Effective and efficient project monitoring - Projects progress to be monitored by the trusted agencies and parties, and any slacks to be addressed immediately.

4. Cost saving and cost reductions- As written in my previous entries, these are critical and shall be part of the project objective and culture in Malaysia. No more waste !

5. Young Turks- let the capable persons handled the project, based on capability and not based on seniority with the right mindset and do it for the nation and country. Quoting from the book ;
"We need leaders with the like of Dato' Rastam Hadi, Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Shamsuddin, Tan Sri Abdullah Mohd Salleh, Raja Tun Mohar bin Raja Badiozaman, Tan Sri Dato' Haji Bashir Ismail and the list go on......"       

6. Right contractors with the right experiences, mindset and good track records- they are also having ordinary rakyat, like me who is going to be directly impacted with the success of the projects in mind. They shall support and help the government to achieve this. Not only "Safety First" as their reminder, but also " Rakyat First".

Quoting from Dato Seri Idris Jala [ and I my view is that he is practicing what he preaches ] -

1. Dream the impossible
2. Never lose hope, have faith and ask for divine intervention.
 " Rome was not build in one day "....let us together make it happens. All the best and good luck !

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