
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My wish for Budget 2011- Wish # 5

Assorted international currency notes.Image via WikipediaDear Prime Minister, Dato Seri Najib,

Eid Mubarak to you and your family.

It is good to note and to read, that the government is doing all it can to bring Malaysia to the next level or next quadrant of league, to be at par with other developed countries. I have heard this before, and trust that like many other Malaysians, I would like to see both "tangible" and " intangible" results "quite urgently", as the theme and motto of 1Malaysia , " Rakyat First and Performance NOW !" . Tangible, is very obvious. Intangible, more like the "good feeling" that Malaysia is already there ! It is like the hearts of every Malaysians that are telling all of us, we have reached certain points, and now we are to maintain the momentum, and continuously improve and get better by the day. Of course, we can't satisfy all the people, but if the "majority" have the " feel good vibes", it is sufficient. What represents that majority ? My view, when the public give the vote of confident to the government, one of it. The rest, depending on the situations of a particular subject.

I read in the news, that the government is trying to reduce the budget deficit to 3 % of GDP by 2015 and I believe by that time, all the investments made would start to give returns or profit to the stakeholders. However, I would like to see that 3 % of GDP to be accelerated by 2013-2014 the latest, and I believe it is achievable. Quoting from the Art of War of none other than Dato Seri Idris Jala, the current CEO of PEMANDU "to always dream the impossible ". The following are the measures that can be taken to accelerate the target, at least in my points of view ;

1. For each of the projects implemented shall have at least 5-10 % or more cost saving, and cost saving is not something to be done at the expense of quality. In a nutshell, the project shall and must meet the objectives according to the projects specifications and deliverable, and at the same time 5-10 % lower than the earlier estimate. This has to be tracked periodically, and have to be reported at the highest authority. Those who made it happen, shall be rewarded accordingly.

2. Not only the "projects" that shall target the cost saving, it is also applicable to all the government agencies, government departments and government-linked companies. All of them shall talk the same language and cost saving shall be the " most talked about subject in town and the most juicy gossip". As cost centers, all shall target to improve the cost effectiveness, by being efficient. For one, I disagree with the easy way out to achieve cost saving, i.e. by trying to save on " staff related or manpower related " benefits. No ! No !, that is not the cost saving I am referring to, not at all. The staff related benefits shall be at least maintained or improved, in line with the cost saving that being achieved. In any organization, reward those who do excellent job and good work and coach the non-performers, to make them perform and eventually translate to a superior performing organizations and agencies. The heart and souls of organizations shall be given the priority and utmost attention before anything else. The introduction of MyRecruitment by the government to recruit the people with the "right mindset " and "capability", is indeed welcome and congratulations to the government !

3. Make sure all the project meets is target objectives and specifications, and most importantly to meet the deadlines. Often in the past, we have seen many project " gajah putih " or " white elephants" and worst not completed at all, and this shall be HISTORY and any revival of "sick" projects are most welcome ! Even more so, rewards those contractors who manage to complete the projects ahead of schedule, within budget and even better result in 5- 10 % cost saving. This shall be the cultures and rewarding them like giving them priority in government future projects for good performance, might be one of the many ways.

4. Encourage innovative and new ideas, with the implementation of new technologies, and at the same time to employ more local contents. This will definitely, improve the project economics, and any savings from the past projects will definitely help with many more projects for the benefits of the rakyat, and rakyat will have feel good feeling with it.

My view, it is doable and what it takes is the strong WILL from all the parties concerned, and let us work together to make Malaysia a great country with great people. 

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