
Friday, September 3, 2010

My wish for 2011 Budget - Wish # 3

Warning to reckless drivers in Hermosa Beach, ...Image via Wikipedia
Wish # 3 
My next wish for 2011 budget, is very much related to the following article of Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak, and allow me to extract the article ;
"SERDANG: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today appealed to motorists to drive safely and help prevent roads from becoming "rivers of death". 

In his road safety message, he urged Malaysians to always give priority to personal safety as well as that of other road users. 

The prime minister made the reminder in a special video message launched by Works Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor in conjunction with the coming festive season. 

"Let's discipline ourselves by adhering to the road safety regulations," Najib said. 

"Careful and prudent driving will greatly minimise the risk of accident. Let's travel home in happiness and thankfulness that we can celebrate the Aidilfitri with none of our family members being involved in accidents." 

Read more: River of Deaths
Yes, it is that scary - " river of deaths" and if nothing proactive actions taken by the government and the authority, this river of deaths will continue to flow. While advise after advise were given and initiatives after initiatives being taken, all are gone to the deaf ears and blind eyes, still Malaysia is experiencing " river of deaths" every day especially during the festive season and it is very sad. Why all the efforts are useless ? Are Malaysians are so stubborn and hard headed ? Orang kata " degil " ? Let us not dwell into this, and of course continue blaming the road worthiness ?  and other factors.
Yes, RTD will conduct and monitor the situation along the highways and roads, but trust me people will share information upfront as to the locations of the enforcement officers. Sg Buaya , Rawang, KM 20 after Ipoh, exit , KM 30 PLUS highway and the list are going on.  

For this upcoming budget, please Prime Minister to increase allocation for Road Transport Department , for the latter to leverage on technology and improve the remuneration package of RTD/JPJ officers to make it more attractive, as these are the group who make sacrifices during the festive seasons, during rush hour be it shining or raining  and they perform the job diligently.

By having the most sophisticated surveillance system in the world, where summons are immediately issued and make the penalty amount the highest in the region if not in the world, for serious traffic offender such as beating the red traffic light shall be given serious consideration. Time to balance between creating awareness, reminders and educating the public with a more stricter and tougher system and law in place.
I have read from the news that the RTD was proposing to impose higher penalty, and enforcing the demerit system, but I do not know and understand why it is being stopped by the "law makers" ? From what I read, the law makers felt that the penalty and the systems are not " people" friendly !!! For God's sake, which one is more critical and important here, system friendliness to the people or that " river of deaths" will continue to flow and we are losing our "best, good and innocent people" because of the road accidents almost everyday. The spirit of 1Malaysia shall consider people first, performance now ! Why shall people get worried getting summonses, if they are law abiding citizens while driving ?  It is common sense.
With regards to the technology, the amount may be huge to put such an investment, for now, but over long run it will benefit the country. However, focus shall be given to the accident prone roads and high risk areas. This will also reduce dependency on having more enforcement officers [ often I heard lacking of enforcement officers are one of the reasons for not enforcing the law effectively and efficiently].  But, please maintain the system and put an effective maintenance system, for the investment to worth the money,. It is tax payers money, in the end of the day. RTD shall be held responsible and accountable for the system to work as it intended to be.
In the meantime, road safety and other aspect of Safety, Health and Environment shall be part of the school co-curriculum, and it shall start from the very young and tender age. School, as an institution together with PIBG can play its role to promote safety , health and environment as a way of life and culture among Malaysians. Make it a mandatory requirement for all the institutions from early until tertiary level to have SHE as part of the syllabus, and requirement to graduate.
Another consideration , JPJ shall introduce defensive driving techniques as part of the syllabus , both theory and practical in all of driving schools as part of the curriculum and part of the test to obtain the driving license. 
My personal observation as road users, often I saw " ageing" trucks and heavy vehicles cruising the road, "emitting thick black smoke" of which can cause safety hazard to the other road users. The road worthiness of those heavy vehicles and trucks are questionable ! My view on this, for RTD to amend the law to increase the insurance premium after the vehicles reaching certain age, obtain road worthiness certification by PUSPAKOM every year [ mandatory], increase the road tax amount and etc to make sure it is safe to be driven on the road. 
Learn from the best on the best practices to make the road safer. I heard in German, the government does not impose the maximum speed limit on the highway, and yet they have the least road accidents recorded in the world. Why ? Common sense, right mindset and safety as part of the culture, and ensure the vehicles are road worthy to be driven on the road.

Send our officers to learn from the best , and implement the best system in this wonderful country of Malaysia. Again, exchange program with them may enrich the experience and exposures of our people. There is no one single perfect system, in the world but any good system that will stop this river of deaths from continuously flowing is considered already an achievement.
Another consideration, is to introduce "cashless" transactions in all RTD offices. I know one country, Qatar required all the transactions to be made via debit card or credit card. The country does not allow cash transactions, which is something for Malaysia to take queue and learn from.  
 In my view too, the government shall make mandatory for all radios and TVs station to play their part as part of corporate social responsibility to promote road safety among Malaysians. For instance, make a mandatory from 7 a.m to 7.30 a.m every day all radios and TV channels [ Mix Fm. Hits FM, Selangor Fm, KL Fm, TV3, TV1 , TV 2 ] simultaneously to air programs about road safety and SHE related programs. Be creative and make the program interesting and interactive so that people will awake and feel good and will not switch it their radio off !

Again, it take the will to make it happens !

DISCLAIMER: Notice :Opinions, stories , thoughts expressed are blogger's own and do not n
ecessarily represent the views of the institution or the organizations by which the blogger is employed or any specific person who so ever, either dead or alive.
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