
Sunday, September 5, 2010

My wish for 2011 Budget -Wish # 4

Hazorea Aquatics,, ph...Image via Wikipedia Dear Malaysian Prime Minister,

My next wish for 2011 budget is for the government to allocate more for agriculture and aquaculture, and its associated activities. I remember very well back in 2008, the world faced food shortage, unbelievable ! Malaysia has been putting so much focus manufacturing sector, and totally neglecting or giving little consideration to agriculture and aquaculture, which was once the back-bone of our country development. Now, it is over, but once shall not forget the expensive experiences and pain that we had to endure the last time. As such, we shall re-charge the industry and make the industry more sexy than ever. Over the years, I have seen lots of effort by the government, but as a Malaysian I would like to see more and expedite and accelerate the implementation of the strategies.

The industry, shall focus leverage on the latest technology and shall have economies of scales to compete with others, even with our neighbors Thailand and Indonesia. I do not see reasons for us not to produce enough for our country. When the other two countries, are very much labor intensive, we shall do it capital intensive and  research base agriculture industry. We have MARDI to lead the research, Biotech Corp to market the result of the research and FAMA to market the final products [ flower, fishes, vegetables, fruits etc].
Encourage local companies to have Joint Venture with established companies from Holland, Japan, Europe not only to learn from them, but to leverage on the goodwill and networking that those companies have. Give them incentives, through tax incentives. While they receive tax incentive over a period of time, subject those companies to "zakat" so the government will not losing the revenue at all. In the end, zakat is just 5 % and 10 % depending on what type agriculture business the company operates.

Malaysia’s participation in the EU’s research programme is one way to underpin its goal of becoming a developed country. Piket said current projects with Malaysian partners are primarily in the fields of food, agriculture and fisheries and biotechnology as well as environment such as climate change, nanosciences and nanotechnologies.

Read more:

Although he was happy with the result, Piket said the potential is much greater.

“The Malaysian success rate in the EU’s Framework Programme for RTD (research and technological development) is still below the average if you compare it with other non-EU countries,” he told the Business Times.

The success rate stands at 17.7 per cent for Malaysia against the average of 23.2 per cent.

“This puzzles me as Malaysia’s research infrastructure is quite advanced compared to that of other countries in the region. Clearly Mosti and the EU delegation still have a promotional job to do.”

The value proposition of this, is to promote this agriculture business as part of tourism product and package, giving people from all over the world to experience, truly Malaysian experience under the sky and sun of this wonderful country, Malaysia Truly Asia. ! I know few hotels, cottage do have this concept, but my experiences so much more we can do.

Expand the concept of "Gharameen Bank " or " Amanah Ikhtiar "  into wider application including natural entrepreneurs back in the remote areas in Malaysia, help them with the technical knowledge and help them to market their products globally. We have the Cooperative Concept or Organization, and those synergies between those organizations are very much needed to drive Malaysia's economy to a high income economy.

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