
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Quote of the Day

Jennifer Gilbert
If you mess up don’t worry. Everyone makes mistakes; it’s how we learn. Own up to your mistake, make adjustments and then move on.

I have been working with organization, where making mistake a big NO-NO, or shall I say a career suicide. People are so afraid in making mistake resulting almost impossible to introduce changes and improve to the process, simply because all are afraid of making mistakes. You can expect full of resistance whenever the organization is trying to introduce changes.

I am neither suggesting nor promoting people to make mistakes, as an effective and efficient organization would be having all the controls in place, and from time conducting self assessment to make sure the controls mechanism in place are adequate and working as intended. But sometimes, by making mistakes though after adhering to the established policies, procedures and guidelines it provides opportunity and a signal that the control mechanism in place is either outdated, need improvement,, a total revamp or just irrelevant in today's business environment. More importantly for the management to respond to the mistake, what are the root causes, lesson learned and way forward [ i.e. the controls to be put in place]. The organization who is willing to learn from the mistake and move forward is what I called a learning organization.

What would be my reactions if I realized that I have made a mistake ;

1. Whether I have missed out or overlook something that is clearly stated in the procedures and guidelines;

It reminds me of Accounting Program Dean at the International Islamic University, Malaysia Prof. Nordin during his opening remarks before we were attached to the firms for our internship programs. I remember it well he said ;
" Ask from your supervisor the latest, updated and approved procedures and guidelines on the very first day you report duty in the office. Take your time to read through it and ask questions if you do not understand any part of the documents. Remember, you are there to learn ".

So, I just did what was told and the answer that I got was surprising " What procedures and guidelines you are referring to ? We do not have any as we learn through doing ". That was way back in 1997.

I just did and still following his advise.

2. I normally come clean, admit to my boss that I have made a mistake;

3. I offer my boss alternatives, solutions and way forward to minimise the impact form the mistake that I made;

4. I learned from it and will make sure that I make mistake no more ;

5. If my staff made the mistake, I would expect him to demonstrate the same behaviour and mindset like I do;

Thankfully, I have thus far throughout my 13 years of professional experiences have a very supportive bosses which to certain extent shape me the way I am now, both professionally and personally.

Spiritually, I believe that even if I made mistake , I always pray to Allah that HE will forgive me and I know and firmly believe that HE is the most merciful and forgiving. The story of Prophet Adam is one of many examples.Still, doesn't mean that I shall commit mistake without reading and understand the procedures and guidelines i.e. the Holy Qur'an and Hadith. There is a dedicated chapter in the Holy Qur'an about seeking forgiveness i.e. Surah At Tawbah.

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