
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Which part of that is my problem ?

I am leaving next week the company and the country for good. Incha Allah.

Since day one I submitted my resignation, I have prepared the handover checklist and file which comprises among others- details, step by step handover note [ link and all the files location, procedures and guidelines] to the incoming incumbent beside concurrently having to complete the on-going major task [ the annual planning and budgeting] and other tasks agreed with my boss. I have also prepared the handover schedule for each [ days and dates] of the tasks that I did. Oh yeah, did I mention that I include the deadline for each of the deliverable in the handover notes. I shall , right ?

I delivered of what were expected out of me on the dot, without giving it a miss as I am a deadline person. I work based on dates and priorities. That is so me. In essence, I have done what  was supposed to be done before leaving the company.

Until this morning ;

" Hi Irwan, How are you today ? " familiar voice from the other side
" Im fine and good, thank you " my reply
" Where are you ?"
"Home, waiting for the mover to pack my things and send it for shipment "
 "I am not satisfied with this month accrual. Did you explain to him how to do the accrual ?.There few items, worth of millions missing and are not included in this month accrual . Can you come over to the office now to guide him and review this accrual ? "
" I am afraid, I can't as I am still waiting for the movers and I need to supervise the packing process"
"Will it take long ?"
"I think yes. Well, I have written and explained the process step-by-step and the report in SAP where he can check and validate the figures. The next thing for him to do is to look at last month's accrual and compare it with this month, and check from the SAP whether invoices have been paid or service entry sheet approved by the TOFA. That is the basic of accrual. "
" OK, I will ask him to do it !"

Have I not done and carried my responsibilities properly ? Have I not delivered the message to the incumbent clearly ? What went wrong here ? and the tone of my boss sounded like, " Hey Irwan, you have not done your part ! "

Hang on, let me recap what had happened which I think are some of the factors that contribute to the above.

1. The incumbent did not turn up for the handover session as per schedule. He did not commit himself with the date which was sent and agreed earlier. Oh yeah, he was sick the whole week, FYI ;
2. He did not want to actually listened to me, when I walked through and showed him the step-by-step how to go about doing the task, but instead he told me that he will do this way and that his way. He did not read the handover notes that was prepared for him by me to understand it. He kept telling me, that I do not have all the time if I to do your way, as I have other jobs and task;
3. I must say, deadline in a row, back to back, one after another is all about being in my position. Time management is very essential and critical. The incumbent must be well prepared mentally, personally and professionally to work extra and long hours when the jobs require to do [of course if need be], but from my observation he did not, but I guess that is how he manages his time;
4. The incumbent, at the same time, have to do his other task though he will replace me. But then again, I do not understand why the management decided for him to take over my position where there are more senior staff who are in the group, taking care of much simpler and smaller areas of responsibility ? I do not know;
5. Many times, he told me because of factor No. 4, he will just do what he can and deliver what he is suppose to deliver , though he will compromise on quality and the deadline. I must say, he is good guy but he is still does not understand why he was the chosen one [ he is junior with lower position grade] to take over my position [ the group that I was taking care is the 2nd largest group in terms of expenditure and budget in the company]; 6. How about my Head's roles and responsibility in reviewing his submission ? Why he is washing his "hands-off" when it comes to reviewing his subordinates work and simply passing it to me ? Is he implying that if something wrong in the future, I will be held responsible and accountable ?;
In the end, I have done my part and my best and there is so much I can do to help and assist while I can, but there is so much I can do. It is good to know and realize that I have done to my level best, but if the someone  do not understand and appreciate basic accounting principals and fundamentals [ I think in this case he understands it well] and is not or less motivated enough [ due to many factors ] to do the job, so

"Which part of that is my problem ?"

Unfortunately or fortunately, I was handling my personal effects shipping to my country which my boss is fully aware of it based on my SMS to him yesterday. 

DISCLAIMER: Notice :Opinions, stories , thoughts expressed are blogger's own and do not necessarily represent the views of the institution or the organizations by which the blogger is employed or any specific person who so ever, either dead or alive. Hi! I am a green e-mail! Unlike my brothers and sisters, my presence on the Internet does not harm our environment. Please go to and help make the Internet green like me!
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