
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thinking of making career change ? Calling all management accountants

One of a world's largest producer of natural-based Oleochemicals is currently looking for Management Accountant. 

This is a great opportunity for those who are looking for next growth in one's career. If you have all what it takes - the right mindset and behavior, right skills set and capability, proactive leadership qualities and willing to learn talk directly to ;

Intan Jalaludin
email : 

Telephone: 03-76650050
Customer Orientation | Integrity | Excellence | Teamwork | Communication | Entrepreneurship

Do update your resume ! All applications will be treated with strictest confidentiality !

Tips how to write a 'sexy' resume ? 

1. Keep it short and simple 

When I was in secondary school, I was taught how to summarize an article into 150 words the max. The summary section weighted 15 marks out of 100 in the examination. For one, I was struggling with this section. Yes, time to put the skills into practice i.e. write a resume which is short and simple [with simple and plain English, of course]. I know, it is not easy if you have 20 years ++ of professional experiences, but this is where your skills is tested!

2. Write 2-page, max 3-page resume

Yes. No one has the time to read every single words that you wrote in your resume. Admit that everyone is busy - the headhunter, the HR, the potential boss etc. They have 100 if not 1000 resumes to go through. Put yourself in their shoes, what will you do ? Skimming and scanning at the first 2-3 pages, the max. If the first 2-3 pages caught their attention, chances you will be called for interview !

3. Choose your words carefully

Yeah, choose the most appropriate and right words to describe your experiences. Let your resume do the talking about yourself to the headhunters, HR and your future boss before the actual face to face interview.

4. Emphasize and highlight your achievement

Yes, time to boast yourself with statement such as ' improved and automated payment process which resulted cost saving of USD 10 million manhours per annum ', ' Cost saving of USD 100 million during project design stage through implementation of unconventional project design system and technology ' . However, be prepared to explain the achievement in great details and at length during the face to face interview.  

5. Be yourself and tell the truth

Yes, be yourself and tell the truth nothing but the truth. You may not tell the truth in your resume, pass the interview and eventually get the job but is it ethically and morally right ?
Worst if the new employer found out the truth once you are in the employment. God forbid ! 

With that..all the best !

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