
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

IIUM Team Malaysia wins debating tournament

The winning team from the International Islamic University of Malaysia receiving their prize from QF president, Fathy Saoud while executive director of QatarDebate,

Hayat Maarafi and other officials look on

The first International Universities Arab Debating Championship has concluded, with the International Islamic University of Malaysia claiming first prize in the inaugural tournament.

Winning in the final, the Malaysian team emerged victorious over 39 other teams representing 19 universities from 12 countries.
The runners up in the tournament were Al Khartoum University from Sudan, whilst UAE University and the International Islamic University of Malaysia’s second team finished second runners up.

The best speaker award was presented to Mohammed Ahmed Hamood al-Subaidi from the winning team, whilst Mohamed Fadhli from Kuwait University came second and Aisha Salim Mohammed al-Naimi from the UAE University won the third best speaker award.
Al-Subaidi described the success as a turning point in his life.
“It took me some time to believe the fact that I am the champion speaker of the competition,” he said, adding “my joy is double as my team won the championship. It is really a great occasion in my life.”

Awards were presented by special guest, president of Qatar Foundation, Fathy Soud who spoke of his experience of teaching at Khartoum University in the past and said that he had been very impressed by the standard of debating on show at the event.
“It is a towering achievement for the QatarDebate Centre as the state of Qatar has once again led the way in a noble initiative,” he said, adding “Qatar Foundation has already become a focal point in the region and beyond in many areas and this is another feather in its cap.”

Executive director of QatarDebate, Hayat Maarafi said: “Language is the lifeline of a country and a society and with this aim we have embarked on a journey to promote the use of Arabic especially the use of classic Arabic all through the region.”
“The resounding success of this tournament, organised at very short notice, has made us more confident about organising bigger tournaments,” she said, adding “it is our humble belief that we will be able to promote the use of Arabic language in a big way which will become a landmark in the years to come”.

Debating the motion ‘This House Believes in the Freedom of Press’ in the final, the Malaysian team of Mohammed Ahmed Hamood al Zubaidi, Mohammed Hamood Ali Al-Ragawi and Salem Salah Salem successfully presented the proposition, which the Khartoum Unversity students Amna Mubarak, Yahia Mohammed Osman Hashim and Thabit Mohamed Ali Mohamed Ahmed were unable to reject.

Victorious team coaches Salah Awadalla Sidiq and Ibrahim Ahmed Fares expressed their joy at seeing their students win the competition.
Sidiq said: “It a great victory for us and we hope that it will be a regular competition in the future and look forward to participating in more Arabic debate sessions.”

“QatarDebate has provided a great opportunity for our students and we are thankful to QatarDebate team for their wonderful support and hospitality,” added

Source : Gulf Times, Doha

Mabrouk to International Islamic University, Malaysia for winning the championship. Not only one team, but 2 teams in the top 3 or top 4.

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