
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sports Industry Malaysia- What are next ?

The Malaysian government today, launched today of what so called Sports Industry Malaysia [ SID] in partnership with seven (7) industry players.

What this initiative is all about ? I do not know myself. However, based on its website here are some of the points ;

The Sports Industry Year 2011/12 is a Malaysian Government initiative under The Ministry Of Youth and Sports

Concept Premise

• Focusing on sports industry and not sports activities;
• Stakeholders to understand “What is my role”;
• Subject matter will address various touch points;
• Moving from amateur to professional;
• Extension of Sports Industry Division’s (SID) objectives;
• Communications (A&P) is important for awareness;
• Laying the foundations to be follow-up beyond Sports Industry Year 2011/12;

Main Objective
Towards developing the foundations for a strong and vibrant sports industry

Key Stakeholders
Corporate Sponsors
Trade & Manufacturing sector
Learning Institutions
Service Sector
Management / Authorities

Read more at the website Sports Industry Development

Let me digest the initiative and how my idea of G1FT fit into this ?

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